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Everything posted by Patuca

  1. the problem with that is now the ole man has screwed up his life. he will go to prison for murder. you can't just shoot someone because they are on your property. they have to have a deadly or at least you have to believe they do. he should have just let them leave after firing in the air and they were trying to get away. now he is in a pickle himself.
  2. thanks. unlike others that get pissed because they couldn't figure out a stupid riddle so they either attack the riddle or me for posting the stupid riddle. :rofl: :rofl: could be the leash broke and the dog went lickety split around the bridge and owner saw he was going to come out on the other side so the owner continued on over the bridge.
  3. laugh if you want but the joke is on you. none of you smart asses guessed it. you easily guess a clone because you now know the answer. the more you mock the more it shows your ignorance! the more you tell on yourself. no need to be a sore loser. just admit you couldn't figure it out. traders that lose always blame everyone else and everything else but themselves.:haha: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  4. thanks..but capitalized?..why should i make it easy?... it was actually a dumb riddle but it does indicate we aren't as smart as we think we are since we can't figure out a stupid riddle when the answer is in the riddle itself. i have missed the mark many more times than i hit it in my life. "i succeed because i fail" it is hard to learn anything from a stupid riddle eh? like i said previousley "i don't care how i come across"... however, most traders come across arrogant like the "big Napoleon" that is why they lose and will continue to lose. anyway it was done in fun with alot of tactics to divert people from the answer staring at them in the face the whole time. as i said earlier i did forewarn people but they still "fell" for it and got suckered in. such is human nature.. the one consolation everyone can have as they lick their wounds :rofl: :rofl::haha: IS NO ONE HAS EVER SOLVED THE RIDDLE THAT I KNOW OF. now einstein might have solved it but he is dead and his brain is in a jar somewhere. trade well
  5. LOL i don't like trading chop unless the chop is big
  6. oh sh$t i gotta leave. here comes mighty mouse. i see he just entered the thread. bye!
  7. well in the course of the discussions about the riddle i did say: 1) it was simple 2) the answer was right there in front of you (or something to that effect) 3) it was a stupid riddle 4) you would be mad so i forewarned all. have a good evening. remember be careful what you listen to especially if it comes from me.. lesson to be learned: all the warning signs can be right there in front of us and we still get suckered into that bull/bear trap. don't ignore the warning signs.
  8. thanks roger. now you are a real trader. real traders are never sore losers! i think livermore subscribed to that philosophy??
  9. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: now that is funny LOL :haha: and
  10. then you should have guessed it.:shocked:
  11. no the wording was correct. remember it is a riddle.. how did HE do it? refers to both the man and/or the dog. so...how did he (man) cross the bridge..walk? run?..drive? how did he (the dog) go around the bridge? walk? run?? any answer along this line would have been acceptable..the man's uncle was named YET. the mans co-worker was named YET. the mans son was named YET. as to how he crossed it..run, walk, drive would have all been acceptable except if you picked YET as being the dog then of course he couldn't drive across. :missy:
  12. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your unswerving devotion and hard work to get this puzzled solved. unfortunately, none of you solved it. but you sure tried! kudos to you! sometimes we traders think we know everything but we don't..do we??? see how many lessons can be learned from a 2 line riddle? never despise small things thank you for putting up with my BS thank you to those who humbled themselves and cried "uncle". some didn't..wouldn't or couldn't...some left in a huff... i would say hope you enjoyed it but i doubt you did.
  13. JUST KIDDING..JUST KIDDING "a man came to a bridge that crossed a railroad track. he went across the bridge but yet went around the bridge at exactly the same time. how did he do it?" the answer is: His Dog was named YET
  14. ok we are good to go. word is he pulled a muscle but he will be ok and able to continue the drum roll. for his sake we will only make him do drum roll #3. lesson to be learned: it was just a pullback. don't be scared out of your position as long a your orginal premise is correct. PA will tell you if your premise was correct. let the market talk to you. listen. observe. make money! so......here we go again..... start by stating the puzzle again: "a man came to a bridge that crossed a railroad track. he went across the bridge but yet went around the bridge at exactly the same time. how did he do it?" DRUM ROLL #3..........................and we have an answer I DON"T KNOW HOW HE DID IT????? :rofl: :rofl:
  15. word is drummer is ok and will be out within 5 minutes... lesson: little setbacks in the markets don't mean sh$t..with all those hft and algos out there you just have change your tactics to play the game...(for more info go to the thread on are hft's ruining trading).
  16. they are working on the drummer...looks like is he going to be ok..word is he will be good to go tonight ..shortly...hang in there....game is almost over...don't quit at the end..just when you gonna strike gold. control those emotions..no need for this... :angry: lesson: never argue with the market. it is what it is. no need to get angry at the market...no need to trade in vengance (like some of you would probally like to ...well ...say a few unkind words to me about now..won't do you any good). :helloooo:
  17. thank you mr roger. i shall have to visit you (you may not want me to??) on my way to mexico sometime. i go thru victoria on my way to McAllen and the border many times. i usually like to cross at Pharr or Reynosa crossing. well we have arrived at the long awaited moment i see many eyes rolling :roll eyes: :roll eyes: :roll eyes: ...at least 7 so here we go... first i want to state the puzzle as was stated on page three so there is no misunderstanding: a man came to a bridge that crossed a railroad track. he went across the bridge but yet went around the bridge at exactly the same time. how did he do it? ARE YOU READY? drum roll #1.................. drum roll #2 ................... drum roll #3 oh sh$t the drummer dropped his drum stick. looks like his hand is hurt. we will have to check this out and get right back folks...maybe nothing serious. lesson: don't be fearful and take profits too soon. let those profits run. The PT hasn't been reached i know, because of the drummer, but i will check him and and if all is ok we shall continue shortly. don't go away now......
  18. where oh where are tonight traitor1? i searched the world over and thought i found a counter but you found a chad hanging and poof you were gone? where are the traitors when you need one? night is here and no last uncle from anyone and mr traitor has not appeared to help my investigation so another day and night goes by without an answer. there is still time. just need one humble trader or one johnny on the spot traitor. either one will do.. remember tombstone movie?..doc hollliday says "i'll be your huckleberry" anybody want to be my huckleberry?
  19. perhaps my former grafic was not clear enough??? this should do the job.
  20. Damn dumb computers. I wish they would do all trading with algos and hft. I may not be as fast as they are but me is smarter than those suckerbills. Me can respond to new situations and inputs they can't see or respond to cause they dumb machines that can only do over and over what somebody programmed them to do. Granted it is evolving and one day they may be smarter but that won't be in my lifetime. Only the other humans are hard to analize. Pres of a company could get pissed at his wife dump her 100 thousand share causing the market to drop just to make her lose $..see what i mean. Puter has no emotion. Emotion hardest thing to get a handle on.... Please we need more and more algos and computers so we can beat the horseshit out of them. No offense to mr algo writer on this thread.... Don't you feel better taking money from puters account instead of peoples account and put in your account? Do not have to feel so guilty...it is but a dumb machine.
  21. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :haha: that is good one. Could i request that for my headstone? Need to ask permission since you invented the phrase.
  22. 1) i don't give a sh$t what people think about me. please see picture for further info. 2) labels mean dogshit to me. 3) i am already a jerk and know it..nothing new there (my wife knows it too!) 4) i don't care about my credibility. i do the best i can and if that isn't enough for people ..well ...see grafic for a more detailed explanation 5) value in my posts?..i doubt it..remember i am a pessimist. 6) I can't help it that the thread shows up on home page. i guess people have an interest in stupid riddles?? 7) i remember vividly the crash of 1987. i know exactly where i was at. just like when reagan got shot i remember exactly where i was at and doing...just like when elvis died..see do remember a few things...notice they are all negative things!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :haha:
  23. oh sh$t do you really want me to start all over with the lessons again? there were/are/can be; many
  24. i have no problem holding off if that is what everyone wants. neither do i have a problem giving the answer today but need one more "uncle" from a trader on this thread that has not given one yet OR i need traitor1 to help me verify his investigation of my miscount. this internet is extremly slow and i don't want to thumb through all the pages looking for every post where one someone said "uncle" when apparently he has already done that can tell tell me the post # and the page #. so.......i can wait longer if all you wish but i seriousley don't think anyone would guess it if i waited 5 years...but who knows there are some really smart people out there?
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